

Documentation for fbpanel project

  1. Building fbpanel
  2. Running
  3. Configuring
    1. Configuration file structure
    2. Global section
    3. Plugin section
    4. Plugins with additional configuration

Building fbpanel

The following is what you will need to compile fbpanel:
  • GTK+-2.4 headers and libraries (development package)

Once you have the above dependancies installed, you are ready to build fbpanel.

% tar zxvf fbpanel-x.y.tgz     #...untar the fbpanel archive 
% cd fbpanel-x.y               #...cd inside the source tree
% ./configure                  #...prepare source for compiling
% make                         #...fbpanel builds...
% su                           #...become root
% make install                 #...do install



Simple like that...
% fbpanel &          # use default profile
% fbpanel -p abc &   # use profile abc, create it if needed



fbpanel stores its configurations in ~/.config/fbpanel directory. Every profile is represented by a single text file with a same name. Name of default profile is default. Edit relevant file and restart fbpanel. You can also tell running fbpanel to reload its configuration by sending it USR1 signal.
% vi ~/.config/fbpanel/default  
% killall -USR1 fbpanel         # tell fbpanel to reload configuration
In addition, there is configuration GUI that covers all panel's options, but not plugins yet. To get it, click Ctrl-Button2 anywhere in panel or run it with -C option

Configuration file structure

Configuration file consists from one Global section, that covers panel options, and one or more Plugin sections.
The syntax is following:
  • Spaces at the begining and at the end of a line are ignored
  • Lines strarting with '#' or blank lines are ignored. '#' in any other place is NOT treated as comment
  • Variable's name is NOT case sensitive
  • Variable's value IS case sensitive
  • Variable's value is a text from first non-blank char after '=' till the last non-blank char.
  • Section starts by its type (Global or Plugin) and "{' on a same line, then inner variables and sections, and ends with '}' on separate line.

Global section

It describes global panel parameters like position, size and some NETWM settings.
If variable has default value, it can be omited. The full variable list is:
  • Edge - screen edge
    Legal values are left, right, top or bottom.
    Default is bottom.
  • Allign - allignment of a panel
    Legal values are left, right or center.
    Default is center.
  • WidthType - units of width
    Legal values are
    • pixel - width is number of pixels
    • percent - width is percent of an edge
    • request - follow widgets' size requests. can shrink or grow dynamically
    Default is percent.
  • Width - panel width in widthtype units
    Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 100.
  • HeightType - units of height
    Legal values are
    • pixel - height is number of pixels
    Default is pixel.
  • Height - panel height in heighttype units
    Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 26.
  • Margin - margin from screen edge for left or right allignment. Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 0.
  • SetDockType - set panel's NETWM window type to Dock Legal values are true or false.
    Default is true.
  • SetPartialStrut - ask NETWM compliant window manager to not cover panel by maximized windows. Legal values are true or false.
    Default is true.
  • Transparent - enable transparent background Legal values are true or false.
    Default is false.
  • TintColor - color to composite on root background Legal values are colors, eg 0xRRGGBB or red, black etc.
    Default is white.
  • Alpha - transparency of the tint color Legal values are numbers from 0 to 255.
    Default is 127.
  • Autohide - hide panel when mouse is far enough Legal values are true or false.
    Default is false.
  • RoundCorners - panel has rounded corners Legal values are true or false.
    Default is true.
  • RoundCornersRadius - radius of ronded corners. Legal values are numbers from 0 to 25.
    Default is 7.
  • Layer - stacking layer of a panel Legal values are above or below.
    Default is above.
  • SetLayer - set or not stacking layer of panel. If not, defaul WM policy is used. Legal values are true or false.
    Default is false.
  • MaxElemHeight - maximal height of plugins' lements, like icons, messages etc. If plugin has more space, it can place elements in multiple rows. Legal values are numbers from 10 to 200.
    Default is 200
For example:
Global {
    edge = bottom
    allign = center
    margin = 0
    widthtype = percent
    width = 92
    height = 48
    transparent = true
    tintcolor = #ffffff
    alpha = 32
    setdocktype = true
    setpartialstrut = true
    autohide = false
    heightWhenHidden = 2
    roundcorners = false
    roundcornersradius = 7
    layer = above
    setlayer = false
    maxelemheight = 24

Plugin section

It describes which plugin to load, how to position it and has plugin specific configuration section. If variable has default value, it can be omited. The full variable list is:
  • type - plugin type
    Legal values are battery, cpu, dclock, deskno, deskno2, genmon, icons, image, launchbar, mem, menu, net, pager, separator, space, systray, taskbar, tclock, volume, wincmd
  • expand - expand plugin if extra space is available
    Legal values are true or false
    Default is false
  • padding - padding around plugin in pixels
    Legal values are numbers
    Default is 0
  • config - a section with plugin specific configuration.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = space
    expand = false
    padding = 0
    config {
        size = 2

Plugin {
    type = cpu

Plugins with additional configuration


  • color - chart color
    Legal values are colors eg 0xRRGGBB or red, black etc.
    Default is green.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = cpu
    config {
        Color = green


  • interface - interface to watch
    Legal values are network interface names.
    Default is eth0.
  • TxColor - color of Tx traffic
    Legal values are colors.
    Default is violet.
  • RxColor - color of Rx traffic
    Legal values are colors.
    Default is blue.
  • TxLimit - Tx limit of the connection, in KB/s. Used to scale chart properly
    Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 12.
  • RxLimit - Rx limit of the connection, in KB/s. Used to scale chart properly
    Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 120.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = net
    config {
        interface = eth0
        TxLimit = 20
        RxLimit = 190
        TxColor = violet
        RxColor = blue


  • ShowWallpaper - show desktop wallpaper in pager window or not
    Legal values are true or false.
    Default is true.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = pager
    config {
        showwallpaper = true


  • size - size of space to occupy in pixels
    Legal values are numbers.
    Default is 1.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = space
    config {
        size = 15


  • ShowSwap - show swap usage or not
    Legal values are true or false
    Default is false.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = mem
    config {
        ShowSwap = true


  • ShowSeconds - show secondsor not
    Legal values are true or false
    Default is false.
  • HoursView - 24h or 12h hours view
    Legal values are 12 or 24
    Default is 24.
  • TooltipFmt - tooltip content
    Legal values are strftime formats
    Default is %A %x.
  • Action - command to run on mouse click
    Legal values are bash commands
    Default is none.
  • Color - digits color
    Legal values are colors, eg 0xRRGGBB or red, black etc.
    Default is blue.
For example:
Plugin {
    type = dclock
    config {
        ShowSeconds = false
        HoursView = 24
        Action = xmessage Please define some command 


  • ClockFmt - Clock format string. May contain strftime conversion specifications and Pango markup information.
    Legal values are strings
    Default is "%R".
  • TooltipFmt - Tooltip format string. May contain strftime conversion specifications and Pango markup information.
    Legal values are strings
    Default is "%A %x".
  • Action - command to run on mouse click
    Legal values are bash commands
    Default is none.
  • ShowCalendar - Show a GTK calendar widget when the clock is clicked. Only valid if Action is unset.
    Legal values are true or false
    Default is true.
  • ShowTooltip - Show tooltip for clock
    Legal values are true or false
    Default is true.
Plugin {
    type = tclock
    config {
        # 2 line view, time in bold above and date below
        ClockFmt = %-l:%M %P
%a %B %-e
        TooltipFmt = %A %x
        #Action = xmessage Please define some command 
        ShowCalendar = false
        ShowTooltip = true


  • TBD
For example:
plugin {
    type = taskbar
    expand = true
    config {
        ShowIconified = true
        ShowMapped = true
        ShowAllDesks = false
        tooltips = true
        IconsOnly = false
        MaxTaskWidth = 150


  • TBD
For example:
plugin {
    type = launchbar
    expand = false
    padding = 0
    config {
        button {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            tooltip = Terminal
            action = xterm
        button {
            image = /opt/google/chrome/product_logo_48.png
            tooltip = Google Chrome
            action = google-chrome


  • TBD
For example:
plugin {
    type = menu
    config {
        icon = start-here
        systemmenu {
        separator {
        menu {
            name = Computer
            icon = computer
            item {
                name = Terminal
                icon = terminal
                action = x-terminal
            item {
                name = Lock Display
                icon = gnome-lockscreen
                action = xtrlock2
            separator {
            item {
                name = Reboot
                icon = gnome-session-reboot
                action = sudo reboot


  • TBD
For example:
plugin {
    type = icons
    expand = false
    padding = 0
    config {
        DefaultIcon = /usr/share/fbpanel/images/default.xpm
        application {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            ClassName = XTerm
        application {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            ClassName = mlterm
        application {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            ClassName = URxvt
        application {
            icon = gnome-emacs
            ClassName = Emacs
        application {
            icon = mozilla-firefox
            ClassName = Firefox-bin
        application {
            icon = mozilla-firefox
            ClassName = Firefox
        application {
            image = /usr/share/icons/yasis/scalable/apps/gnome-ppp.svg
            AppName = minicom

Updated on 28-02-2014